• Update: 2022-11-30 17:45

Comindus-Katanga - Société pour le Commerce et l’Industrie au Katanga - S.C.R.L.


The S.C.R.L. Comindus-Katanga "Société pour le Commerce et l'Industrie au Katanga" was founded on August 25, 1927; the registered office was established in Elisabethville and the administrative office in Brussels.

The capital of 500,000 francs, represented by 2,000 shares of 250 francs each, was subscribed in cash by the following parties:

Mr. Olivier Bureau, 20 shares; Mr. Aimé De Geyter, 10 shares; Mr. Auguste De Cuyper, 10 shares; Mr. Jules De Nayer; Mr. Julien Bureau; 10 shares; the company Exportef, 40 shares; the company Comindus "former establishments O. Bureau, L. Beissel and A. De Geyter, united", 1.900 shares.

The said shares were paid up with 50 francs and a sum of 100,000 francs was made available to the new company. 

It was created, moreover, shares of founder at the rate of one share without designation of value by 20 shares of 250 francs created and subscribed, they were allotted to the subscribers in proportion to their investments.

If the number of issued shares should reach the figure of 20,000, the number of founder's shares reaching at that moment the total of 1,000 shares could not be increased any more, even by way of modification of the statutes, the founder's shares could be divided into tenths (30-(1927)-844 to 856).

First Board of Directors


The number of directors is set at four and the number of commissioners at one.


Lucien Beissel, Olivier Bureau, Aimé De Geyter and Jules de Nayer.


Mr. Auguste De Cuyper (30-(1927)-844 to 856).


Main object, the general trade and incidentally the import and export of products and goods, the agency and representation of firms, the sale of goods on consignment, the participation in all commercial and industrial affairs, the creation of offices, counters in Katanga and the undertaking of all public and technical works to the exclusion of any speculative enterprise.

The study and prospecting of concessions in Africa and particularly in Katanga, the obtaining, acquisition and exploitation of all concessions of the soil and subsoil, mines, quarries, etc., the development of the concessions by plantations and constructions, the transformation and manufacture of all articles necessary for trade and industry, in short all real estate, financial, industrial and agricultural operations of a nature to promote its corporate purpose.

To be interested by way of transfer, contribution, mergers, partnership, subscription of shares or in any other way with all private individuals, companies, societies or associations having a similar goal to its own.

Both in Africa and abroad, to be able to concede to companies, the conclusion and execution of its operations of purchase, sale or exchange of manufactured products or raw materials, whether it is a question of foreign or domestic trade (30-(1927)-844 to 856).

Change of capital, event(s), participation(s), dividend(s)

On November 10, 1927, the capital was increased by 4.5 million to 5 million francs by the creation of 18,000 shares, which were subscribed to at a unit price of 250 francs by the Comindus Company.

In addition, founder's shares were created, of which the number of 1,000 could no longer be increased, even by amending the articles of association. These founder's shares were allocated to the subscribers of the first 20,000 shares at the rate of 1 founder's share for every 20 shares subscribed. These founder shares could be divided into tenths (21-(1928 T1)-983).

On May 17, 1928 a new increase of capital of 10 million francs took place by the creation of : 

  1. 8,000 preference shares which had 5 votes in the meetings and were entitled to a first dividend of 25 centimes more than the social shares. These preference shares were subscribed by the Comindus Company at the price of 250 francs.
  2. 32,000 new ordinary shares which were subscribed by the Comindus Company at the unit price of 250 francs. The latter were offered for subscription at the price of 300 francs to the shareholders of the Comindus and Comindus-Katanga Companies.

The holders of Comindus shares could subscribe at the rate of 1 new Comindus-Katanga share for one Comindus share held. The holders of Comindus-Katanga shares could subscribe to the new shares at the rate of 2 new shares for 5 old shares.

In terms of operations, the Company continued its installations in Elisabethville and Likasi, and acquired a building to be used as a sales outlet and approximately 17,000 square meters of land in the new industrial district of Elisabethville, where four warehouses with a surface area of 1,800 square meters were erected.

In Likasi, the Company completed its installations and acquired various plots of land on which buildings were erected. Three brick factories were purchased, equipped and put into operation, and the Company owned 8 hectares of land.

The turnover for the year 1928 was 30 million francs; despite this figure the results were unfavorable due to the commercial crisis in Katanga and a tightening of bank credits (21-(1929 T3)-1287/88). 

On February 17, 1930, the Extraordinary Assembly decided, following the cumulative loss of the years 1928 and 29, that is to say a loss of 10 million francs and by the disastrous economic conditions of Katanga, to reduce the capital of 12 million to 3 million francs. It was put in reserve 2 million francs (21-(1931 T1)-1412).

Dissolution, liquidation and merger 

On February 21, 1931, the Comindus-Katanga Company was dissolved early and put into liquidation. It was decided to appoint Mr. Jules Denayer as liquidator (21-(1931 T1)-1412).

The liquidator brought all the assets and liabilities of the company, as they result from the last balance sheet drawn up on December 31, 1929, with the modifications that have occurred since then, either actively or passively, nothing excepted or reserved, to the S.C.A.R.L. "Comindus", New Company of the Former Establishments O. Bureau, D. Beissel and A. De Geyter, united for the Trade and Industry in the Belgian Congo, having its head office in Leopoldville.

Comindus remunerated the contribution by allocating to the shareholders of the contributing company new fully paid-up shares to be created, identical to the old ones and enjoying the same rights as from January 1, 1930, in the proportions of one Comindus share for one Comindus Katanga founder's share or for ten Comindus Katanga shares without distinction of category. (30-(1930)-225 à 227)


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