• Update: 2024-02-24 17:51


Search for a value - Simple choice

To search for a title, you must click on 'Advanced Search'.

In the pop-up window, you have the possibility to choose several elements of the database, that is to say: 'Title label', 'Head office', and 'Theme(s) '.
In the 'Condition' frame, you have the choice between 'Is equal to', 'Diferent from', Starts with ',' Contains ',' Ends with ',' Greater than ',' Less than ',' Is empty ',' Is not empty '. The default condition is defined by 'Contains'.
The condition 'Contains' applies for complete, incomplete or uncertain text, example:
You are looking for the L'Ikelemba action, you must select the element 'Title label', the condition 'Contains' and in 'Value' the name or part of the title; it is also the same condition for the 'Headquarters'.
For the other element, namely 'Theme(s)', the condition' Is equal to 'is recommended since the values ​​are included in drop-down lists.
The value label is fully capitalized; circumflex, grave and acute accents, umlauts, the following characters: <<, >>, ", ', are not included.
As for the abbreviations, they are edited either before or after the value label and separated by a dash. For bonds, the rate and the years are added at the end.
Avoid doing a search on common French lonely words such as: Société; Compagnie; Société Anonyme; Company; Limited: these common words would give you important lists. The same goes for defined and undefined articles..
Good research.

Search for a value - Multiple choice

To search for a title with a multiple choice, you must click on 'Advanced Search'.

In the pop-up window, you have the possibility to choose several elements of the database, that is to say: 'Title label', 'Head office', and 'Theme(s)'.
In the 'Condition' frame, you have the choice between 'Is equal to', 'Diferent from', Starts with ',' Contains ',' Ends with ',' Greater than ',' Less than ',' Is empty ',' Is not empty '. The default condition is defined by 'Contains'.
The 'Contains' condition applies to complete, incomplete or uncertain text; it is also the same condition for the 'Headquarters'.
For the other element 'Theme(s)', the condition' Is equal to 'is recommended since the values ​​are included in drop-down lists.
For the multiple query, you have the option of adding one or more filters, either:
1st filter> Element 'Title label' + condition = 'Contains' + 'Element' the name of the title;
2nd filter> Element 'Theme(s)' + condition = 'is equal to' + choice in the value drop-down list.
You will have a list of titles based on the title label and the country of the activity.
The value label is fully capitalized; circumflex, grave and acute accents, umlauts, the following characters: <<, >>, ", ', are not included.
As for the abbreviations, they are edited either before or after the value label and separated by a dash. For bonds, the rate and the years are added at the end.
Avoid doing a search on common French lonely words such as: Société; Compagnie; Société Anonyme; Company; Limited: these common words would give you important lists. The same goes for defined and undefined articles.
Good research.


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Although I carry all my attention to the transcription of the data collected, errors can occur. Thanks for your understanding.
The shares, old titles and historical financial documents presented have no market value, they only have a collection value.