Société Commerciale et Immobilière du BANGU S.C.A.R.L.
The Company was incorporated on August 23, 1928; its registered office was established in Leopoldville and the administrative office in Brussels.
The capital at the time of incorporation was 5 million francs represented by 10,000 shares with a capital of 500 francs; in addition, 5,000 founder's shares without nominal value (which may be divided into denominations of one tenth) were created.
Of the 10,000 shares issued, 4,000 shares were allocated to Mr. Ferdinand De Buyzer in consideration for the contributions mentioned below; the remaining 6,000 shares were subscribed for in cash by :
Jules Dandoy, for himself and third parties, 2,500 shares; Edmond Halleux, for himself and third parties, 2,400 shares; Jean Roger, 500 shares; Gustave Egger, 200 shares; Arthur Mélotte, 200 shares; Ernest Warnier, 200 shares.
The shares subscribed were paid up by 20% and a sum of 600,000 francs was made available to the Company.
For the founder's shares, 2,000 shares were allotted to Mr. Ferdinand De Buyzer in remuneration of contributions, the other 3,000 were distributed to the subscribers on the basis of one share for every two shares subscribed.
Mr. Ferdinand De Buyzer, mentioned above, contributed :
- His particular knowledge concerning the branches of the social activity, his relations, steps, studies and works both for the constitution of the present company and for its later operation.
- Several plots of land and commercial establishments in various localities in Congo;
- All commercial and residential furniture that was in the various buildings or various facilities;
- Goods to the value of 250,000 francs.
In consideration for his contributions, Mr. Ferdinand De Buyzer received 4,000 fully paid-up shares and 2,000 founder's shares.
First Board of Directors
The Meeting decided to appoint five directors and two auditors:
No further information thereafter.