• Update: 2020-04-10 18:01

La Kasaniema, S.A. d'Importation et d'Exportation au Congo belge




The Kasaniema, S.A. d'Importation et d'Exportation au Belgian Congo was incorporated on 15 September 1919 with a capital of 500,000 francs represented by 2,000 shares of 250 francs. The registered office was established in Brussels.

The two thousand shares were subscribed by Messrs.:

Robert Mees, 1,600 shares; Albert Baert, 200 shares; Paul Dhuyvetter, 40 shares; Raoul Leblicq, 40 shares; René Mees, 40 shares; Auguste Vanderlinden, Maurice Proost, Willy Mees, Charles Delchevalerie, each 20 shares.

The shares were paid up to 25%, i.e. a sum of 125,000 francs made available to the new company.

First Board of Directors

For the first time, the meeting appointed as directors:

Robert Mees, Albert Baert, Raoul Leblicq and René Mees.

As auditors: Messrs. Charles Delchevalerie, Auguste Vanderlinden and Paul Dhuyvetter.


  1. To establish factories in Belgian Congo, and mainly in the districts of Kasai, Sankuru, Lomami and Maniema, for the sale of manufactured products and the purchase of indigenous products.
  2. Pursue all businesses or trades, whatever they may be, which appear useful to the Company, with a view to operating its main business and which, either directly or indirectly, are likely to increase the value of all or part of the properties or rights of the Company, or to make them more remunerative.
  3. Operate your business, either by yourself, in participation, or even in intervention or through, in any capacity whatsoever from all individuals or companies
  4. To extend its operations, in addition to the purchase of indigenous products, to the plantation and cultivation of all species of plants, especially cotton, in the Belgian Congo.


To this end, the Company could acquire or lease any real estate, contribute, transfer, sell, mortgage or rent its buildings, even those whose operation constitutes the Company's main purpose.

In addition, the Company could merge with other companies with a similar corporate purpose and, in general, carry out any other transactions outside of those specified above, if they were in any way related, even indirectly, to its corporate purpose (12-(01/10/1919)-8204).

The last publication in the Belgian Official Gazette dates from September 21, 1929, which is the last information in my possession.


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