• Update: 2021-01-31 20:04



Plantations et Caféières de Kigali S.A. was incorporated on September 20, 1935 in Brussels. The share capital was set at 1,200,000 francs. The head office was established in Brussels.

The capital was represented by 1,200 shares with a par value of 1,000 francs, which were distributed as follows: 1,000 shares were allotted to the contributors mentioned below; the 200 others were subscribed by the comparators:
Joseph Druart, Léon de Foy, Marcel de Foy, Josué Henry, Michel Minne, Gérard Proost, Albert van Raemdonck and Léon Velge each subscribed for 25 shares of capital stock of 1,000 francs each.

One fifth of the shares subscribed for were paid up; the amount of the payment, i.e., 40,000 francs, was made available to the new Company. 

In addition, 315 dividend shares were created and distributed to the contributors (1) (33).


Mr. Josué Henry, Léon de Foy, Vincent Diericx, Albert van Raemdonck, Louis Wittenberg and Mrs. Hélène Lequime, the latter acting in her capacity as sole heiress to her brother Nestor Lequime, contributed to the new Société de:

1) All the rights and obligations of a contract of provisional occupation of an agricultural land located in KanombeSuburb of Kigali city, Rwanda, with a surface area of 497 hectares.
2) The plantations of coffee and all other crops established on the above-mentioned land, as well as the agricultural equipment used for the exploitation of these crops.
3) All research, studies and expenses made to obtain and develop the Kanombe concession, maintain the plantation and establish the new Company.

For these contributions, the contributors received 1,000 fully paid-up capital shares and 315 dividend shares which they divided among themselves (33).

First Board of Directors

 The same meeting of incorporation fixed the number of directors at four and one Auditors:

Directors: Josué Henry, Léon de Foy, Albert Raemdonck and Gérard Proost.
Auditors: Mr. Joseph Druart (33).


To do for itself or for third parties:

a) To make and undertake, mainly in Ruanda-Urundi, the cultivation, harvesting, purchase, processing, sale of food crops, agricultural or industrial plants, as well as the breeding of large and small livestock.
(b) Acquire, sell, rent, lease, lease any property or land concessions, exploit directly or indirectly, and process the products of the soil.
c) Generally, carry out all transactions involving movable or immovable property, agricultural, industrial, or commercial transactions and assert the Company's property, rights, and privileges in connection with its main object.
d) To enter all acts, agreements and contracts directly or indirectly related to the preceding paragraphs; to take any direct or indirect shareholding in any transaction whatsoever relating to any of the specified objects or likely to promote the achievement or development thereof, through the creation of new companies, the subscription or purchase of securities or shares in other companies, through contributions or mergers (1) (33).

Dissolution and liquidation

Almost four years after its incorporation, the EGM of August 18, 1939 decided to dissolve and liquidate the Company (33).


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