
Lomela S.C.R.L. was incorporated on June 3, 1927, the registered office was established in Bokwankusu (Kasai-Oriental) and its administrative headquarters in Antwerp.

The fixed capital of 1,500,000 francs was represented by 1,500 shares with a capital of 1,000 francs, this 50% paid-up capital was subscribed by 12 shareholders:

Messrs. Henri Servais, 200 shares; Georges Collignon, 150 shares; Albert Eggermont, 150 shares; Jules Goossens, 25 shares; Jean Hoeck, 150 shares; Edmond Plonteux, 50 shares; François Hoeck, 50 shares; Fernand Van Camp, 235 shares; Charles Vanderschelde, 150 shares; Edgard Willain, 50 shares; Jules Willain, 75 shares; Henri Yans, 215 shares.

In addition, 1,500 founder's shares were created; 750 were allocated to the subscribers based on one share for every two shares subscribed; the remaining 750 were distributed to the contributors, see below.


Mr. Henri SERVAIS contributed to the present Company the benefit of the studies, steps and expenses made with a view to the constitution of the company and the organization of its services.

In consideration for this contribution, he received 750 founder's shares for himself and his group.

First Board of Directors

The first Board was set at seven directors: Messrs. Henri Servais (Chairman), Georges Collignon, Albert Eggermont, Fernand Van Camp, Charles Vanderschelde, Jules Willain and Henri Yans.


The Company's purpose was to carry out all commercial, industrial, agricultural, financial and maritime operations, within the most extensive limits, in Europe, Africa and especially in the Belgian Congo.

Society could trade, export and import any goods, and any raw, manufactured or other natural products from any source. It could set up factories and trading posts, factories and plants to develop the territories it exploited.

She could carry on any movable and immovable business which is likely to achieve, facilitate or develop its corporate purpose and take a direct or indirect interest, by way of contribution, merger participation or otherwise, in any business or undertaking having a purpose similar or related to its own (12-(8-9/08/1927)-10378).


Less than 5 years after its creation, on February 16, 1932, the Company was dissolved and declared in liquidation (12-(05/03/1932)-1778).

Lomela is a locality and river (tributary of the Busira, thus a sub-tributary of the Congo River) in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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