Comptoirs Africains Antwerpia - CAFRIA S.C.R.L.



The Company Comptoirs Africains Antverpia "CAFRIA" was incorporated on March 16, 1928, the head office was established in Leopoldville-East and the administrative office in Antwerp.

The share capital of 15 million francs, represented by 150.000 shares without designation of value which were subscribed at the price of 100 francs per:

The Banque de Bruxelles, 48,900 shares; the Crédit Général du Congo, 48,900 shares; the Banque Centrale Anversoise,, 48,900 shares; Mr. Lieutenant General Alphonse Cabra, 200 shares; Mr. le Comte Emile Le Grelle, 200 shares; Mr. Charles Morisseaux, 500 shares; Mr. Jean Frédéric Speth, 200 shares; Mr. Robert de Decker, 500 shares; Mr. Henri Laloux, 500 shares; Mr. Jacques Van Hoegaerden, 500 shares; Mr. Paul Osterrieth, 200 shares; Mr. Auguste Salmon, 500 shares; Mr. Georges Jammart, 100 shares; Mr. Prosper Beniest, 100 shares.

First Board of Directors

For the first time, the number of directors was set at nine members: Messrs.Lieutenant General Alphonse Cabra (Chairman), Charles Morisseaux, Jean Frédéric Speth, Robert de Decker, Jacques Van Hoegaerden, Henri Laloux, Paul Osterrieth and Auguste Salmon.


The Company's corporate purpose was to carry out, within the widest possible limits, all commercial, industrial, financial, mining, agricultural, maritime, and other operations in Africa, especially in Belgian Congo and French Equatorial Africa.

It could carry out these same operations, whether movable or immovable, in any country, when they serve to achieve, develop, or facilitate its corporate purpose.

It could take a direct or indirect interest, by way of contribution, merger, share subscription or otherwise, in any company with a similar or related purpose.

The company's object could be restricted or extended by means of amendments to the articles of association, without, however, the essential object being changed (12-(11/05/1928)-6780) (1).

Change(s), transformation(s) of capital

At the Shareholders' Meeting of December 9, 1939, following the balance sheet deficit of April 30, 1939, the Board of Directors decided to reduce the capital by BEF 14 million to BEF 1 million (12-(31/12/1939)-15773).

Dissolution and close of liquidation

On September 7, 1948, although the last two financial years were profitable, the E.G.A. decided to dissolve the Company and put it into liquidation (12-(22/09/1948)-18814). The liquidation was closed on March 29, 1951 (12-(19/04/1951)-6761).

The holders of securities were informed that a single liquidation distribution would be paid on April 4, 1951 at the rate of BEF 11.80 per security against presentation of coupon No. 19 and following attached (21-(1951 T1)-960).


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