Société d'Exploitation et de Gestion Immobilières au Congo - SEGIMO S.C.A.R.L.
The S.C.A.R.L. Société d'Exploitation et de Gestion Immobilières au Congo "Segimo" was incorporated on August 10, 1953; the registered office was established in Leopoldville and the administrative headquarters in Brussels. The share capital was set at 20 million Congolese francs represented by 20,000 shares without designation of value.
The shares were subscribed by:
S.C.R.L. Crédit Congolais, 12,250 shares; Mutuelle Solvay, Mr. Solvay, Hankar et Cie, 3,750 shares; Cie Générale de Publicité, 1,000 shares; Mr. Pierre Solvay, 1,000 shares; Mr. Paul Mondron, 1,000 shares; Mr. Etienne Misonne, 600 shares; Miss Margueritte Hanrez, 400 shares.
The shares were fully paid up and a sum of 20 million Congolese francs was made available to the new company.
First Board of Directors
The number of directors was set at three members and a commissioner:
To carry out for itself, either on behalf of third parties or in partnership with third parties, all real estate transactions involving in particular the purchase, sale, rental, exchange, operation or development, management, construction of all buildings, as well as all related movable and financial, commercial or industrial transactions, such as loans, public or private works companies, acquisition of building materials, etc.
Modification after 1960
In 1962, a deed was published in the Belgian Official Gazette concerning the abolition of the administrative seat in Antwerp (12-(10-05-1962) -12566).
No more information afterwards