Société Financière des Cafés S.C.A.R.L.
The S.C.A.R.L. Société Financière des Cafés was incorporated on March 14, 1929; its registered office was established in Bunia (Kibali-Ituri district) and the administrative headquarters in Brussels.
The share capital was set at 25 million francs represented by 50,000 shares of 500 francs each. In addition, 25,000 dividend shares without nominal value were created.
The 50,000 shares of 500 francs were subscribed by :
Mr. Guillaume Peeters, 8,600 shares; Société Crédit Financier de Belgique, 2,000 shares; Mr. Jean Frédérickx, for himself and a group, 3,250 shares; Mr. Armand Hanlet, 250 shares; Mr. Marcel Goisse, for himself and a group, 1,800 shares; Société Genaplan, 100 shares; Mr. Gérard Goisse, 1,800 shares; and Mr. Jean Frédérickx, 3,250 shares. Mr. Edmond Claes for himself and a group, 200 shares; Socofina, 4,000 shares; Mr. Léon Moreau for himself and a group, 8,000 shares; Mr. Léon Bleuzé for himself and a group, 20,800 shares; Comptoir Everaet S.A., 1,000 shares.
The subscribed shares were 20% paid up, representing a sum of 5 million made available to the new Company.
The 25,000 dividend shares were distributed among the subscribers of capital shares, in accordance with a special agreement.
First Board of Directors
Change in capital, event(s)
Dissolution and Liquidation
On November 14, 1936, the Shareholders' Meeting decided to dissolve and liquidate the Company due to the loss of more than half of the share capital (30-(1937)-573 to 577).