• Update: 2020-05-20 16:54





Cacao & Chocolat '' Kivou '' was incorporated on February 1, 1929 with a capital of 1,500,000 francs and represented by 3,000 shares with a capital of 500 francs. The registered office was established in Vilvoorde (Belgium). In addition, 3,000 founder's shares were created, of which 1,500 were given to the contributors, the remaining 1,500 were allocated to the subscribers based on one founder's share for every two shares of capital of 500 francs subscribed.

The 3,000 40% paid-up capital shares were subscribed by:

Simon de Beer (1,000 shares), Arthur Soupart (300 shares), Valère Tonneau (300 shares), Georges Hubinont (300 shares), Firmin Tassier (260 shares), Emile Méganck (250 shares), Ghislain Lecocq (250 shares), Joseph Samkalden (220 shares), Max de Beer (100 shares), Marcel Simon (20 shares).


It was contributed to the Company presently constituted by Mr. Simon de Beer, Mr. Arthur Soupart and Mr. Valère Tonneau, the comparators, which was accepted by all the other comparators:

Of their technical knowledge, studies, procedures and disbursements, made with a view to the incorporation of the Company, of the result and benefit of the negotiations conducted by them with a view to the acquisition of plants and industrial buildings, of the benefit of markets, contracts and agreements relating to the corporate purpose, of which the other parties have declared that they have full and perfect knowledge, exempting the contributors from any further description.

In consideration for the contributions thus made, the said comparators were allocated 1,500 founder's shares wdvwithout designation of value, which they distributed among themselves in accordance with their specific agreements.


The manufacture of chocolates, cocoa, cocoa powder, confectionery and all other food products, the trade, purchase and sale of these products, both in Belgium and in the Belgian Congo colony, and in any other country where the Company would like to extend its relations.

To buy, lease, rent, build, sell, or exchange all movable and immovable property, equipment, installation.

Take an interest, by way of contribution, merger, subscription or in any other way in any company, association or society whose purpose is similar, analogous, related or simply useful to the achievement of all or part of its corporate purpose.

In general, to carry out any commercial, industrial, financial, movable or immovable property transactions relating directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to its corporate purpose or which would be likely to facilitate or develop the achievement thereof (12-(18/19-02-1929)-2074).

Dissolution and liquidation

On March 1, 1933, the EGM decided to dissolve the Company early and liquidate it (12-(12-03-1933)-1949).


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